Edge Azwan

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Learn to save for your future

In this information age we’re living in, we’re exposed to a lot of different products. The marketing guys have been cracking their head on how to make us spend, spend and spend. And some people go on to say that if we don’t spend, nobody is going to save the economy. So, SPEND!! Funnily, the same people who told us to spend, ended up saving a lot of money for themselves.

Anyway, it’s obvious that spending is wayyyy easier than saving nowadays. That’s the habit that has been instilled by the big corporations of the world. And that’s the habit which might pull us down if we’re not careful enough. 

Some of us spend like there’s no tomorrow. We have ZERO savings and we never plan for the future. For some, they would say “tomorrow might not come, so why worry so much?”. But sad to tell you the truth, tomorrow will most likely come whether you like it or not. And tomorrow might even bring some nasty surprises for you – road accidents, theft, robbery, hefty medical bills, just to name a few. 

Faced with all these nasty surprises of today, what would you do? Remember that they will get worse tomorrow, if you don’t solve them now. This is where all those money you’ve saved up come into the picture. There are times when we just need money to pay for urgent things like this. For example, if your son is down with fever (touch wood), and he’s not covered by any medical insurance, and you’re very poor. What can you do? Borrow money from a friend to pay for your son’s medical fee? Isn’t that pathetic? We’re talking about few hundreds, and you can’t even afford that! 

Another example, I was accompanying my wife to see a doctor the other day. A couple looked very worried and sad when they came out from the doctor’s room. The girl was sick and the doctor told them to undergo an operation in the nearby specialist hospital. But they did not have the money and they were not covered by insurance. What would you do, if you were in that position? 

Some of you might say “such unfortunate thing will never happen to me”, but how sure are you? We can’t predict the future. We can only learn to save for the future, just in case shit happens and we have the means to overcome them. So start planning and saving for your future. Think long-term. Do you really need to get that new car? Do you really need to spend so much on this dress? And, can you survive if one day, you’re being hit by a very serious illness (touch wood)? Can your dependents survive as well? 

Think about it. 


just my 2cents at 11:23 AM |


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