Edge Azwan

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Employee Retention = the hardest thing to do in the universe?

All of us know that we’re working in a world where modern slavery thrives. Some people can take it (being a slave that is), but most cannot. So most people will opt to change job and go to the other side where the grass is greener.. But again, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side.. in the end, they change again. 

Changing jobs so often will of course, increase the turnover rate in our country.. in every company. 

When people started to leave, the top management will of course panic because it is not easy to find good people nowadays (even if you do found some.. you need to train them or give them 1-2 weeks to settle down). The top management will then ask the Human Resource folks, why are people leaving? 

Well, if your company is paying good salary, has good benefits, good work environment, can learn.. then people won’t leave unless they have a very good job opportunity or want to change something in their life. 

The next thing you know, the HR will start having things like Exit Interviews (which to me, are not useful at all since no actions will be taken).. or launch / introduce new policies as part of their new Employee Retention Policy. 

Ok.. guess what, I don’t believe all these “Employee Retention” policies because to me, they are just like World Cup fever. It comes n goes within few months.. and then it goes down the drain again —> months of effort, wasted. 

Management people should realize that “talk” or “communication” is the most important thing in retaining employees. You need to talk or communicate with your employees, to know what they want or what they are not happy with. If they have any complaints, do take them seriously. If they do not have any complaints or they are too hopeless to complain.. then there’s nothing much you can do or change. BUT if they do complains, please.. make sure you try your best to rectify the problems because those are normally the reasons if they (the same people who voiced out) were to leave in the near future. 

Respect the employees.. gain their trust.. don’t just talk, but make sure you WALK the talk. I know it’s easy to say than to do.. but well, that’s just my opinion after seeing so many of my friends leaving my ex and current companies. 

For the employees (which mean us, the modern slaves.. hmm.. somehow i don’t like to be called slaves. wahahaha.).. we will need to voice out in order to be heard. That’s our role – voice out. If they cannot do anything…at least we’ve played our role. 

Remember that one cannot change something they do not know. 


just my 2cents at 4:48 PM |


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