Edge Azwan

Friday, February 1, 2013

Be rational when giving comments

All of us have this ‘reviewer’ heart in us. We love to look at the works of others and comment. It can be songs, movies, paintings, office works, software, or even buildings. We just loveeee to comment. Heck, some of us even can make a living out of it – magazines, journalists, etc.

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong it! Well, there’s nothing wrong provided you know how to be fair when you are giving comments or evaluating something. If something is good, then give the appropriate compliments. If it’s not, then try to put it in a more positive manner.. but feel free to scold/curse something which is very very poor.. just do that once in a while. 

The thing is, not many people realize this. Most people love to comment.. but only negative comments. There’s nothing which appear to be GOOD for them. For example, when you’ve spent a lot of time on something and finally managed to ‘ship’ it. The next step would be for you to hope that your relatives/friends/colleagues/mentors would give you appropriate comments, good and bad. This is so that you can improve. So what will happen if one of them just come to you and give you nothing but negative comments. Maybe in his/her mind, there’s this 10% of the work which is cool, but he/she would not recognize it. This person would rather put you down by telling you how shitty your work is. 

And to make things worse, this person normally will not give you ideas/suggestions on how to improve or what went wrong. The feedback would be a plain and simple “your work sucks”. Not very helpful, isn’t it? 

Now, if you are such a person who always go around telling people their works suck, and are not generous enough when it comes to compliments, do not be surprised when nobody comes to you for opinions anymore. It’s only natural that other people behave this way. They want to improve, not to be put down by you without showing any offer of support. So it’s either you change, or you’ll be ignored. It’s up to you. 

I have few friends who are like that. And you’ve guessed it right, I no longer go to them to ask for opinions or ideas or to gather any feedback. Because I know all they will ever give is very negative comments, without any advise on how I can improve. I rather spend time talking to those who care about my works and those who are willing to offer me useful advice. 

What about you? Have you met someone like this before? 


just my 2cents at 10:15 AM |


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