Edge Azwan

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Little imperfect things in life

Most people seek perfections in life. That’s why MOST people are never happy. They chase after the impossible. A lost dream before it has even begun. And when they can’t find it, they start to find faults in the imperfections that they encounter. 

That’s why we have so many arguments, conflicts, misunderstandings, miscommunication, etc. And it can happen everywhere – in office where employees cannot perform up to the boss’ expectation, at home where a perfectionist parent punishes his son for getting 95/100 in the exam, or a wife who keeps complaining about her husband’s lame jokes and why he never bother to learn how to cook. 

Yeah, we complain, we nag AND we hope that one day these little imperfect things in life will just go away. We hope everything will turn out perfectly well. But sadly, there’s no such thing as perfect in this world. Nothing is perfect. 

So why don’t we just wake up from this lost dream of ours and learn to appreciate things more? And yes, that includes all the little imperfect things in life. Observe these imperfect things and remember them because as with everything else in this world, they don’t last forever. And when they’re really gone, it might be too late for you to realize how much you actually miss them. 

The last thing you want to do, is to actually miss something when it’s gone. So, start changing your perspective and who knows, maybe all these imperfect things you’re complaining about might not be that imperfect after all. 

p/s.. Well, theoretically speaking, the definition of ‘perfect’ is actually up to the person to decide.. so.. yeah, if you know how to lower your expectations, maybe you CAN achieve perfection. 

p/s.. for the examples given above. Perhaps one day, when the boss left the company, he would remember the funny and tense moments when he scolded everyone in the team. For the perfectionist parent, he would recall how his son tried to use all the tricks to avoid studying. And for the wife, well, I’m sure she would miss the lame jokes when her husband are not around :)

just my 2cents at 10:07 AM |


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