Edge Azwan

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Talk less, listen more

Talk less, listen more It seems like most people have no problem talking more, especially with the people they know. The problem they have is not to talk more, but to listen more. Most people find it hard to stop talking and listen to others. True, there are those those don’t talk much, but the amount of people who cannot listen much far outnumbers them.

Fact is, you can meet this kind of people (the type who don’t listen much) everywhere - in meeting, discussion, dinner, presentation, phone calls, etc. They are the type of people who will keep talking, sometimes interrupting people during the conversation. You might think that is a very rude and impolite thing to do - to interrupt others when others are talking, but it is very common and you should not be surprised if you are actually one of those people who don’t listen to others. Try asking yourself, can you pay 100% attention when others are talking? Can you refrain yourself from interrupting others? I know I can’t do that all the time and I’m trying to improve on that. What about you? 

I can still remember one incident where my team leader and senior developer started arguing with each other during a technical discussion. It happened last year. The team leader started by voicing out his ideas, and the senior developer interrupted before the team lead finished. And the team leader got frustrated because the senior interrupted few times, not just once. In the end, both of them kept insisting the other to “Listen to me first!” or “Let me finish”. I sat there, stunned and finally said with a soft voice “Can we please continue with this discussion?” 

That’s why listening to others is a very important skill. You need it during your conversation with others - customers, bosses, friends, family members, etc. If you cannot even give 100% attention when listening to others, then you can expect others to do the same to you. 

Remember, learn to talk less, think more and LISTEN MORE. Give others the chance to finish their sentences before interrupting. 

Hope it helps.


just my 2cents at 12:05 PM |


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