Monday, September 27, 2010
Be "the dad"

This time last year you were nestled contentedly in mama’s warm womb, your safe house for over nine months, protected from the harsh world. I wondered if you were a boy or a girl, but mama guessing that you were a girl. I loved resting my hand on mama’s abdomen and feeling you poke me. I had fun watching the bumps rolling on mama’s tummy when you stretched and jabbed inside your cramped living quarters.
Anticipation for your arrival to the "outside world" filled my mind, and I eagerly awaited the beginning of being a father. You were a little baby girl and we knew inside that was just right; you were the little girl we always wanted.
I was there, Little One. I was there when they lifted you up from your mama's tummy. Mama worked hard all day to help you be born. In the end, the doctors helped her by opening up her tummy and lifting you out.
As I look back at the past year and see how quickly you've changed from that helpless, little baby into a strong, little young girl, I feel a little sad, but happy and proud.
At first, you couldn't do much but cry, wet and poop your diapers, and sleep. I carried you, snuggled with you very often.
When you began to smile, it lit up your face, and my heart. You started laughing and interacting, and I loved to make you laugh. You enjoyed and hearing us sing to you. You loved to sit in our laps, go for walks, and be carried in the carrier. You began watching us with keenly observant eyes. Your little body often wiggled with contagious excitement and you made happy sounds when you watched other children play, saw a cats, saw toys with bright colors and funny sounds, and when you felt the breeze on your face.
You and I have always had fun playing together. You enjoyed sitting with me, leaning against my body for support, and soon you began sitting up on your own, a feat which you enjoyed very much.
You enjoyed sitting in your chair at the table while we ate and you played with spoons and straws. But soon you weren't content with just watching us eat food. Food intrigued you, and it quickly became apparent that you loved to eat.
You began crawling in a unique style, pushing yourself along with one foot and always making sure you could quickly sit up at a moment's notice. Exploring comes naturally to you, and baby proofing made our lives easier.
Standing in our laps brought great big smiles from you, but when you pulled up to stand on your own, you had such a proud and happy look on your face. At first you liked us to hold your hands while you took steps, but soon you refused all our help and preferred to cruise around the room holding onto furniture.
When you took your first solo step we were so excited! At 11 month you really began walking and now you don't crawl anymore. You fall on your diaper often, but practice makes perfect and your pace is becoming steadier and faster. Why, you almost ran today!
Even though you don't say any grownup words, you have learned to communicate in many ways other than by crying - by squeals of delight, screeches of annoyance, yells of anger, babbles of frustration, laughter. Your expressive face and body has much to say to anyone who will take the time to "listen." When you want your milk you tug at my shirt.
You have grown much in this year. Though you still have much growing to do, time goes by fast, and you won't always want to sleep with me or be carried. Life is a series of weaning, and you will grow up fast enough in your own time (not mine), so I'll try to enjoy you for who you are and not rush you to grow up.
After 1 year 6months, soon I can't WFH anymore, I need to take this challenge and I do this for our future - even though it was really hard. I know, they can take a good care of you as good as mine and give you full attention needed. You’re a big girl now and I want you to see the real world and make friends. I will assure myself that we do this for your own good. I know you will be a big, strong, independent young woman someday, but you'll always be my sweet little baby girl. I know that Allah has prepared something great and special for you. I swear I had to fight back the tears, put on my pray and be "the dad”. Happy 18 months Birthday and I love you, Rayna!!
Labels: Baby
just my 2cents at 10:16 PM |
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