Edge Azwan

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rayna is ONE

Rayna is ONE last Saturday. I can't believe how fast this year went. What a joy it is to be her Papa! I absolutely love her so much and feel blessed that we have such a beautiful and funny girl. She makes me and Zatty laugh so much with all the little things she does. She is walking few weeks before her birthday with 6 teeth in her mouth.. She gets this smile on her face like she knows she is pretty cool. She is still sleeping right now.. We took a vacation day from work last week to make it memorable and I will update about it on the next entry. Insyaallah

Here's what Rayna doing at 12 months:

* Rayna's favorite new game is peek-a-boo. She is playing it a lot. She loves to hide peek out from behind the curtains and crack herself up. She also loves to do this with the sheets or her blankets.

* Rayna is still sleeping and eating well. She wants to try anything and everything off of our plates, and wants to eat it like we do.

* She loves to climb stairs and is very proud when she does so. She crawls up our stairs so quickly, that I have had to run after her to catch her a few times. The only thing is, she is not so good at getting down. She has gone down a few steps at my parents house a handful of times, but she doesn't like to sit down and go around backwards. She wants to step down like the adults do. So, she stands at the top of the stairs and says, "eehhh! eeehhh!" for you to come and hold her hand so she can step down. Something to work on, for sure.

* You have Six little teeth in your mouth and you enjoy grinding them.

* You enjoy walking the whole house until you tired and you come to find me for sleep.

* When we're in your room, you crawl to it as fast as you can, throw anything on the ground, and climb up. Then you try to rock yourself, which is hilarious to watch. Another thing you love to do in your room is open up the dresser drawers and pulls out all your clothes.

* Your developing speech continues to blow my mind. I love it! You're very eager to learn words and that's so thrilling.

And here we are. One year old. It really amazing how much you made our day in the first year of parenthood. We've certainly come a long way. I love you my sweetheart. To all, thanks for reading!


just my 2cents at 11:08 PM |