Edge Azwan

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rayna @ 16 month old

Last Tuesday, our baby turned 16 months old! This is the most fun age thus far!

Rayna’s progress has been pretty remarkable: she continues to surprise me with new things and words that only she could understand. She does things that totally amaze me.

Here are a few of Rayna's developments;

* She shakes her booty to her favorite TV commercials and songs

* Points at things, food, or drink when he wants them

* Picks up the phone, dials a random number, and pretends to talk to an imaginary friend on the other end of the line

* Walks freely (and fast) on her own

* Is most happy when watching her Barny, Pocoyo and Chugginton - she responds by clapping her hands, smiling and laughing, jumping, shouting, and dancing

* Directs my hand to pick up something if she wants it

* Can differentiate milk from orange juice and water

* Brushes her teeth all by herself

* Attempts to comb her hair (she must have seen it from mommy)

* Automatically puts my cellphone on her ear and pretend to talk to someone

* Understands the meaning of “no” and “don’t do that”

* Loves “reading” books

* Rayna will sit down when she drink and can drink from a cup all by herself.

* Communicates using jumbled words and actions

* Has always been fascinated with gadgets like cellphones, computers, and remote controls

* Is extremely joyful when he’s with papa and mama

* She loves to put things into containers, and loves to put lids on things.

* Rayna is very girly and loves having her hair brushed. She loves shoes and getting dressed up.

* Rayna loves to run, run, run, run!

* Of course with all of these great things, comes some bad. Rayna has developed a bit of a temper. We are trying our best to ignore her outbursts when they are over silly nothings (taking something out of her hand), as well as trying to teach her to be patient (stop whaling and get off the floor while Zatty making her dinner). The girl wants what she wants when she wants it. Perfect for her professional career someday, horrible indication of her teenage years. Pray. Pray very hard.

Rayna continues to be a very happy, very active, extremely social little girl. She is very kind, and very affectionate. Her adventurous, passionate streak will definitely keep us on our toes in the months and years to come, but as long as she doesn't look at us with her big baby blues and say "peace", we might actually accomplish some discipline.


just my 2cents at 12:07 PM |


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