Edge Azwan

Saturday, December 5, 2009

8th monthsary

one happy family

My goodness.. I just can't keep up with these girls! Every time I turn around they are older, bigger and doing completely different things. Rayna is now 8 months old and extremely busy. Wow. I can hardly believe I just wrote those words. 8 months old? She crawls (hands and knees now, no more low crawl) all over the house saying mama, dada, and lots of other baby babble. Her favorite activities are climbing and standing. Usually she's climbing up on something to try to stand on it. Luckily she still needs to hold on to something to stand!

Most days it seems like our worlds revolve around Rayna, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Not so far down the road, we will have to teach her the meaning of no, and set boundaries and give her responsibilities and teach her about accountability. She will always be my princess, and right now, it's fine by me if she knows that she is.

You have been a part of my life for these few short months, and yet I feel like I have always known you. I can’t imagine a day or a time before you, I can’t remember when I didn’t know you. Every day, I get to enjoy our world through your eyes. I love getting to see your eyes light up when I’m gets home, and how happy she is to see me. I get to wipe your sloppy kisses off my cheek, and unwrap my hair from your tiny fingers.

I'll let that sink in for a little bit. Wow. Here is what the little stinker is up to:

** She knows she will attract attention if she cries or babbles.

** She learns the meaning of "no!" by the tone of my voice and immediate actions.

She is still toothless. It's really cute to see her. Even though she is getting bigger and looking less like a baby, this gives her a sweet look.

** Love to stand. That will change fast. She crawls, stands, LOVES to walk and reaching for her daddy.. yay!

** Rayna is on the move! She crawls all over the place, pulls herself up very well, is starting to climb, and is very interested in walking to you with the help of your hands, or objects in the way.

** We have had to lower the mattress in her crib. Sigh.

** Rayna does not have one single tooth. I feel like she has been working on these teeth for months now, but not a single one has popped through. If she never gets her teeth, we'll have to teach her how to smile with her mouth closed come kindergarten. :)

** She continues to be the happiest little baby. She is easy and adaptable. And although she lets us know when she wants something, she seems to do so calmly at first.

** Rayna has learned how to repeat sounds. Me and Rayna love to make this sound with her mouths is like blowing out almost with the "a" sound. It is a really messy way to repeat sounds, and it is a little close to spitting for me, but it is certainly funny to watch her repeat it.

** She has started to make the da-da and ma-ma sounds. She doesn't do it as her first words, of course, she doesn't realize what she is doing or who she is talking about, but it is coming.

** Rayna is becoming less a fan of the getting dressed process. Not great timing with the addition of layers that the cooler temperatures require, but she is usually pretty well distracted by a funny face or song.

** She is still loving her brightly colored toys; especially those with buttons. I mentioned a phone that I’m bought for her. It lights up, plays songs, and has buttons. It was an instant winner. She loves her books too, but we're learning its best to read those with pages she can't grab at and crinkle up. The board books are a hit! She grabs at everything, plays intently and loves to discover. I love to put her on my knees when I am laying down and swing her high in the air while she giggles away. She still loves to dance and sing, and we so every day.

** She has a great little sense of humor. She loves when we make funny noises or voices. She is also just discovering the fun of peek-a-boo. A favorite game of hers is when we lays her on the bed and shakes the mattress saying, "a boom" She laughs and laughs and laughs at this but it makes her laugh so hard that now we find ourselves tickling her saying to make her laugh in general.

I love you more than words can say. I can’t wait to watch you grow up, to see what excites you, to help you learn and grow. I can’t wait to teach you things, and share every single day with you. And even as I say those words, I want you to stay my little baby girl forever. I’m not ready to give up my cuddles and coos. You are already so independent.

Please don’t grow up too fast. We still stand over you together at the end of every day entirely in awe of the wonder that you are and the indescribable love that we have for you. You are a miracle. You are our pumpkin. You are our dream come true. You are everything that we wished you would be and much more that we never even imagine you could be. You are our beautiful, precious, sweet daughter. You are our life.


just my 2cents at 2:01 PM |


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