Edge Azwan

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

too BIG, too FAST

Rayna's getting too big, too fast!!

Rayna: Kenapa? tak percaya ke??

My little princess, Rayna, is growing up way too fast! she'll be 5ive months tomorrow! How did this happen? I was looking at her baby pictures
today, and I can barely remember her being that small. It's sad how fast they grow up, but I know it'll just keep getting better! Every time I see a baby who's younger than Rayna, it freaks me out. She should still be the smallest baby, not the baby who stretches all the way across the whole pillow! Even so, I wouldn't trade this stage for the newborn stage. Rayna is so much fun and so sweet at five months. She's such a happy, laid back girl. All you need to do to make her smile is look her in the eye and say something.

She’s trying so very hard to roll over! She can get all the way onto her side and seem to get past that one arm in the way.. She can sit up for a few seconds as well. She’s leaned over pretty far, so I don't think this counts just yet..haha! She’s always been big about standing up. She likes to stand up on your lap. She can't seem to be still for long, and her legs have always been very strong, so we wonder if she'll walk early.

She loves to experiment with making different noises. She fakes coughs, and screeches, and giggles, and coos all the time. She thinks she is adding to the conversation by doing this while others are talking. She is still basically bald, but has started to grow some fuzz on the top of her head. She rolls over onto her belly very well but can't get back on her back and often throws up if on her stomach too long. She wants to crawl but can't seem to figure it out yet. No teeth yet, but she's been biting on everything and drooling for several weeks now. She loves to suck on her own toes and delightfully reaching out and grabbing them to put in her mouth. She pats the back of my neck while I hold her, and has recently started pulling my hair hard.

Rayna, at 5ive months old:

-You still sleep through the night.
-You go to bed at random times and you wake up by 7. You lay there so quietly and happily that I don't know exactly when your sweet eyes open for the day.
-You nap 2 or 3 times a day. The times and lengths are different every day.
-You love your baths.
- You like to hold anything and suck your thumb.
-The bouncer no longer puts you to sleep. It invigorates you! You think its fun.
-You are so big in your bouncy seat. I wonder how much longer you will be able to sit in it.
-You will sit happily in mommy's lap, which is somethi
ng I prayed for.
-I think you know your name.
-I wouldn't be shocked if you turned out to be left-handed. I'm sure it's too early to tell though.
-You still favor me, but you've stopped crying when you're being held by someone else and you see me, which means you've really warmed up to all your uncles & aunties.
-You know your grandparents and are very peaceful and happy with them.
-You don't have any teeth yet.
- You kick hard & drink a lot.
-We will start you on cereal soon.

-You are absolutely beautiful.
-You smile all the time and do little bitty laughs, but you don't belly laugh very often. When you do it just makes my day.
-You like to crinkle your nose and make a little flirty face.
-We call you Rayna and Puteri.
-You are loved by everyone who knows you!

I'll make myself stop there.. Although I could go on and on about her!!! There's just nothing like having a baby. It changes your life so much, yet you wonder what it was like before them!

Happy Birthday my lil' princess, Rayna! We love you!


just my 2cents at 2:41 PM |


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