Edge Azwan

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rayna: Birthday monthsary

Yesterday, my little angel is officially 4th month old! Wow! She’s a grown up huh! And she’s getting more and more cute each day (",)

To celebrate her “birthday monthsary”, we decided to spend the day malling and shopping and i hope i can get something for my lil one for her 4month birthday. But oh well, we had our dinner that night, so there was still a “birthday” event for Rayna eventhough she can't eat what we eat, she just melopong je tengok..haha! Wait 2 more months aite..

Just a week before she turned 4 months, I noticed some new developments like:

I see her moving sideward on her own, with our support.. and now i can see Rayna rolled over by her own without support.. fyi, actually,during her 3 month, she already try to roll over and start moving a lot while she lay down in her cot.. and now i can see that she enjoys playing alone there sometimes hugging her inchworm. She loves making noises like shouting during the morning and night.. i'm so excited when i see she spontaneously smile, babbling and making sound which is really funny..

We enjoy her more everyday.. she really changed our lifestyle.. eventhough me and my wife is a lil bit busy right now with our works but we still know all the developments of our lil princess RAYNA.

Till then, the counting start again.. tick tock.. later guys!


just my 2cents at 7:44 PM |


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