Edge Azwan

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1/2 way to a year?

How on earth is my tiny little baby already 6 months old? Can you believe we're 1/2 way to a year?! I've been feeling extra nostalgic lately, since Rayna is becoming more like a kid and less like a baby every day.

A few of my friends have had babies in the last few months, with new addition to my family last Saturday, and I can't help but picture myself in their place, meeting their sweet little ones for the first time and enjoying all those wonderful first moments. But at the end of the day, when I'm putting her to bed for the night, I'm reminded how much of a baby she still is when she curls up in my arms, collapsing land sleepy like a sweet.

At the same time, I marvel at the fact that in the same amount of time that she's been here from now, we'll be celebrating her first birthday, and likely experiencing her first words and steps. We're just so happy to have this little sweetie in our lives. Here are some of the highlights from her 6-month old.

Rayna @ 6 months

- Rayna learned to voice up her opinion recently. When she doesn't like something or want people attention, she screams.

- She is such a morning person. she wakes up early and even on weekends!.

- Rayna is trying to learn how to crawl, but her little arms just aren’t strong enough yet, so she usually ends up scooting and rolling around the floor on her forehead with her butt in the air.

- She’s fond of chomping on not only her hands but also her own feet. Sometimes when she can’t pull it close enough to her mouth dia akan membebel in frustration. Too many people are saying it’s because dia nak dpt adik!

- Another favourite hobby of her is putting into her mouth everything that crosses her path. Most often this would be her fingers, of course.

- Rayna suka berdiri. Kalau kita pegang dia, dia mesti nak push kaki dia so that she’ll be in standing position. Boleh tahan lama lak tu kaki dia berdiri. Siap gerak2 nak jalan kedepan. Mommy & Daddy yg penat nak pegang..

- She can roll from back to tummy to back again to tummy again etc. she does it more and more often now. When she’s frustrated she’ll roll and move her body even more, angkat2 bontot mcm nak merangkak..

We will go in for her 6 month jabs and will know soon how much she weigh and how long she grew! The past six months have gone by so fast. It is so exciting to see Rayna grow right before my eyes.

Happy 6 months birthday Rayna.. We love you!


just my 2cents at 12:02 AM |


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