Friday, November 13, 2009
Nobody's Perfect - I Am Nobody
Disclaimer: Again this is my personal view over things which happen around me. Some might not agree, might’ve, but my intention is just to highlight the issues surrounding us.
HYPOCRITE = Someone who pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have. (In Malay, it is 'bermuka-muka') - Two Face, Backstabber !!
We've always used this word in our lives, sometimes accusing others to be a hypocrite and sometimes we are hypocrite, without realizing it. Well, I know in Islam 'Fitnah' itu lebih teruk drpd membunuh', but how many people actually did not say things behind other's back? Well, I tried my best to recall a few people, but none actually, haven't said something behind somebody’s back.
So the truth is, everybody says something behind everybody's back, regardless of whether they meant any harm or not. My point is what is the point of accusing others to be a hypocrite when we do the same thing? Don't make a big fuss about others being hypocrite/talking behind others' back because in the end, it all points out to you, to the real you.
Though shocking it may be, sometimes it is the crowd that makes us to be a hypocrite or 'org yg suka mengata org lain'. I thought this will only happened in high school or University life, when we are still developing our senses, but it is sad to say that we are still influenced by our peers, the crowd around us. That is how the world works. The question is, are you still influenced by your peers to be a hypocrite? Or does we live the life that our peers expect we to live? Or we just want to seek people attention by making stories?
It is a loss to see a ‘supposedly mature’ young man/woman who still lives in their peer's/friends' shadows. Well, I am not critical towards the idea of having many friends, many friends actually listen and cry with you when you are in deep trouble compares to the friends who will only be with you to share your laughter and when you are free of troubles and pockets full of money? again..that is how the world works. Again, how many friends will stand by you when you are in the wrong path, advising you to get back on track? The answer is.. not many. Cause in the end, your friends will have their own family,their own problems to think, their own life to lead.
Back to the issue of 'hypocrite'. Well, i don't blame others for talking behind others' back, nor I blame people who are hypocrite & opportunist. Those qualities are possessed by everybody, whether you are aware or not. But the only thing that disturbs me so much is, how people can act innocent after they bitch about other people? Well, maybe after that you can make up and be friends again. Yes, we should be forgiving. But to make others to look bad, as if they were the only ones who bitch about others is unacceptable. Why we need to pretend to be a Mr/Mrs Perfect? Grow up la.. Am I confusing you?
My whole point is that, I believe that people have some good and bad qualities within themselves. You have to be brave to admit your bad qualities, but to hide it, act innocent & blame it on others is wrong. But, who am I to say it is wrong? Don't accuse others of being hypocrite / bermuka-muka when you are also a hypocrite. Even if when you are unsatisfied with others, don't incite/influenced other people to dislike that person. You can complain, but your complaints might influence others to dislike other people. So even if after that you are in good terms with that person. What about other people who heard your complaint? Isn’t it much better if you keep reminding yourself that everybody has good & bad qualities? Just tolerate with his/her bad qualities as there are the good sides of him/her.
I've seen and heard many things around me, and I’ve come to a simple conclusion.
1. Take responsibility of what you've said and done. You might said or write unwanted things when you are not in your senses, be brave & don't act innocent as if nothing happens and put the burden on someone else or making a lot of sad stories..(If this cannot be done, then you shouldn't bitch at all bouts others even if he/she did something wrong!)
2. Be your own self. Though I do agree it is difficult not to be influenced by your friends, you should have your own beliefs. What’s the point of studying in university but still possessing the 'clinging' & PHD type of personality?
3. If you help others, don't hope for a reward or you’ll be very disappointed. But we are just humans, of course we want to help others, with a hint of hope that they'll be there when we need them. Learn to help & hope the rewards come from ALLAH SWT. If not, politely decline that you cannot help. (Unless the person is in deep trouble, c’mon for the sake of humanity, give him a hand, Allah will pay you)
I'm not perfect either. I do admit I’m loud, sometimes selfish and difficult, I do complaint too! But, I’ve found those who possess my qualities, those who will hear my complaints but uninfluenced by it. Those who hold the view that ignorance is a bliss! These people have aspired me to be a better person, with strong personalities. I’m learning and very fortunate that I’ve people around me to light up my once dark path. It is always true that setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya.
I was abandoned (or maybe I keep off my distance), but I’ve found greater opportunities to become a better person with the help of ALLAH SWT. For me I think, the trick is simple, do and write what ever you think is right with good intentions, ignore those who have wronged you and learn to forgive..Then you'll have a smooth path!
just my 2cents at 12:11 AM |
aku tak suke org hypocrite erghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anonymous, at November 20, 2009 at 2:04 PM
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