Edge Azwan

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rayna says, "I Two!!"

I cannot believe that our baby girl turned 2 today.. Time really does fly once you have kids! I can still remember every detail of the day she was born. We knew she would complete our family and she did in every possible way. What an amazing journey the last two years have been. Rayna, we are truly humbled by who you are becoming and the amazing gifts you give us every day. Thank you for being our "baby" no matter how old you are getting.

In technical terms, Rayna is 24 months today. But at two, enough is enough with defining age in months. Am I right people? I mean, also technically speaking, I turned 345 months soon, but when asked how old I am, I reply simply, 29. I swore I wasn't going to be one of those dad who when asked the ages of her children responded in months beyond 24. And I'm keeping that promise. Once moms start spouting off numbers like "185" and "246" you have to be a lot better at math than I, to figure out how old their kids are in years. Today Rayna is two; in September she’ll be 2 1/2. My only diversion might be that if you ask me next January, I might tell you she's "almost three"- either way, I'm done with the months for Rayna.

There. I'm off my soapbox and on to what this post was really all about. Rayna at two. Here is some of what she's got her hands into and brain wrapped around these days:

* Another love of Rayna's: school. So much so that she wants to go every day. Rayna's teachers tell me that she is doing very well, and that you can not tell that she's the youngest in the class. The older children apparently really like Rayna and call her their baby.

* Rayna plays very well independently. This is really nice, especially as it is getting harder and harder for me to get down on the floor to play dolls.

* Rayna likes to watch Little Einstein and sometimes the news. Don't ask me where the news came from, but she asks me from time to time.

* Rayna likes to "sing" the ABC's. Mostly she dances around to the song singing, "Double-B T, Q, S,Z" She likes to sing this song over and over and over and over and over and over again, and requests that you sing along too.

* Rayna eats great, sleeps well and still likes her bath.

* Rayna likes to walk up/down stairs like a big girl with one hand holding the railing and other hand holding an adult. She can blow her nose by herself but she needs to work on waiting for the tissue to be at her nose each time BEFORE blowing! Speaking of nose, she knows the different parts of the face. If you ask her where her nose, eyes, ears, and mouth are she can show you. She also knows where her elbows are.

* This past month Rayna's temper switch has been turned from off to on since she turned to be a big sister. When Rayna gets upset about something she can take it to an extreme level of throwing a big temper tantrum. She will be so mad and worked up that there isn't anything to do to get her to calm down other than have her sit on the couch or be in her crib until she calms down. As parents, it is tough to stay strong, keep your cool, and be consistent with discipline so that she will grow up to be a good girl, but we are managing.

* Rayna is a fun, lovable, cheerful, kind, happy, vibrant, beautiful, smart two year old who is growing and learning at what seems like lightning speed. She is the apple of our eyes and hearts.

The past two years have flown by. It has been such a joy to watch Rayna grow and discover and learn. I love the way she thinks. I love to watch her process. This will be another big year ahead for her, as she is a big sister now. I can't wait to see how she reacts to her lil brother,Aydan Mikaeel who, by the time Rayna turns three will be crawling around her next party. Unreal..

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


just my 2cents at 1:08 AM |


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